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  • leohayter1

This week the FMP was started. The main task for this project is to create an experience similar to a "walking simulator". From this, I've come up with the idea for my project which is a simple monster collection game that'd be focused on exploration.

I then started creating a large-scope mindmap of the game's concept and what it'd be about. After finishing the large-scope mindmap I then made a more focused one, a second mindmap focused around the small tutorial area that I will actually create, detailing the setting, gameplay and other important notes.

Next, I had to make a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis to have a clear idea of what I need to improve on through this project and what things to look out for. In summary, I found that I have strength in some modelling and resources, weaknesses in UV mapping and texturing, opportunities in improvement of drawing and texturing and threats in software unreliability and having to use the internet for help in some cases.

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